Hello need help here how do you make a html background changer where the user changes the background and keeps it

Hello need help here how do you make a html background changer where the user changes the background and keeps it

and if you all can can you make me a html this so i can copy it and thanks

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Welcome to Ask! This can be implemented using some JS and CSS.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<button type="button" onclick="red()">Make me red!</button>
<button type="button" onclick="blue()">Make me blue!</button>

function main() {
  document.body.style.backgroundColor = localStorage.getItem("color")
function red() {
  document.body.style.backgroundColor = "red";
function blue() {
  document.body.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
if (!sessionStorage.visited) {
	//If user hasn't been to site, do the rest of this
	sessionStorage.visited = true; //Set that user has been to site
	blue(); //Set initial theme colors
	main(); // With the color scheme set, execute the main function
window.onload = main();


Note that this is a very basic example. Ideally, you put the JS in a separate file so that all your HTML files will load with the same colors.

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well how do you do like pics and stuff like that and how do you make it where you can see it till you click

To do a picture, upload your image to your Repl and then use this function instead:

function image() {
  document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url('your_image.png')"; 

how do you do something like this

and last

how do you do something like this for every page
lol not trying to copy it

Store your JS in a separate file (not your HTML file) and then link it.

As for how to do a fancy background picker like Chrome, that is going to be far more difficult and probably not for beginners (unless they are patient and persistent). Google Chromium is open source; try checking the source code (or just use the browser inspect F12). Iā€™m not sure it copying it is legal but it would at least give you an idea how you could make something like that.