Graphics acm.jar not working

Hi! I’m hoping for help with understanding and fixing my code or files. I am trying to create an assignment for students to use that utilizes static graphics through the acm package. I have uploaded an acm.jar file but when I try to run the file, it gives me errors.
Repl link:

This is all the code I have in my

import acm.program.*;
import acm.util.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class MyProgram extends GraphicsProgram {
    public void run(){
        GRect hi = new GRect(50,50,50,50);

When I run it, I get the following errors:

./ error: cannot find symbol
public class MyProgram extends GraphicsProgram {
  symbol: class GraphicsProgram
./ error: package acm.program does not exist
import acm.program.*;
./ error: package does not exist
./ error: package acm.util does not exist
import acm.util.*;
./ error: cannot find symbol
        GRect hi = new GRect(50,50,50,50);
  symbol:   class GRect
  location: class MyProgram
./ error: cannot find symbol
        GRect hi = new GRect(50,50,50,50);
  symbol:   class GRect
  location: class MyProgram

Try to change the run command in your .replit file to this:

run = "javac -cp .:acm.jar && java -cp .:acm.jar MyProgram"

So replit will compile your Java file with the ACM library included

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Thank you Windlother! I tried doing that but still received the same errors. Maybe this context might be helpful:
I forked this Replit from a former colleague (another teacher), so I’m not familiar with how the files all work. I see a .replit file AND a .replit.backup file.

The contents of the .replit file are:

compile = "javac -classpath .:target/dependency/* -d . $(find . -type f -name '*.java')"
run = ["java", "-classpath", ".:target/dependency/*", "Main"]

entrypoint = ""
hidden = ["**/*.class"]

language = "java"

packageSearch = true

pattern = "**/*.java"

start = ["jdt-language-server"]

language = "java"

channel = "stable-21_11"

support = true

command = "javac -classpath .:/run_dir/junit-4.12.jar:target/dependency/* -g -d . $(find . -type f -name '*.java')"

transport = "localhost:0"
connectTimeout = 60
startCommand = "java-debug"

command = "initialize"
type = "request"

adapterID = "cppdbg"
clientID = "replit"
clientName = ""
columnsStartAt1 = true
linesStartAt1 = true
locale = "en-us"
pathFormat = "path"
supportsInvalidatedEvent = true
supportsProgressReporting = true
supportsRunInTerminalRequest = true
supportsVariablePaging = true
supportsVariableType = true

command = "launch"
type = "request"

classPaths = ["."]
mainClass = "Main"

The contents of the .replit.backup file are:

run ="javac -cp .:acm.jar && java -cp .:acm.jar MyProgram"

Could this be where the potential issue is?

Oh yes, there is a bunch of things wrong.
Tbh, just erase all of the content of .replit and just let this in the file:

run = "javac -cp .:acm.jar && java -cp .:acm.jar MyProgram"
entrypoint = ""

(And transfer to .replit.backup)

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