Got ddos attack on replit deployment

i got ddos attack from unknow person .
how to do avoid it if i use Autoscale to deploy.
is there any way to ban the same ip request ?
thank you .
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Hi @carterwu768210 , welcome back!
What Deployment method are you currently using?
And yes, Autoscale Deployments do come with DDoS protection.

(1 vCPU / 2 GiB RAM / 3 Max)
this is what i am using ,but i got DDoS attack .

please help how to set the deploy the defend

DDOS protection is included so you shouldnt be getting DDOSed. I have sent this to Replit staff, you will likly need to wait until after the new year for a response.


How do you know you got attacked?

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They went from getting 0 requests to up to ~1,100,000 requests an hour


because the hacker wrote to me to pay him :rofl:

thank you , i will wait for it


Hey @carterwu768210!

I have escalated this to the engineering team and will let you know as soon as I have an update!


haha, im just curious what was the email like, ominously worded, or just straight out “GImMeH Da mONeY orr DDDoSS”?


Hi, carterwu. Did they answer you?

One potential workaround would be to use cloudflared dns with a custom domain so that they can proxy traffic and prevent ddos.