gemClicker not working

Why Is the small cookie not appearing?

Repl link:

document.getElementById("stageOne").addEventListener("click", buyStageOne);
document.getElementById("hideStageTwo").addEventListener("click", buyStageTwo);
document.getElementById("chipProducer").addEventListener("click", chipProducer);
document.getElementById("powerPunch").addEventListener("click", powerPunch);
document.getElementById("chipCollector").addEventListener("click", chipCollector);
document.getElementById("chipCollector").addEventListener("click", chipCollector);
document.getElementById("chipHarvest").addEventListener("click", chipHarvest);
document.getElementById("mightyMallet").addEventListener("click", mightyMallet);
document.getElementById("crunchyCore").addEventListener("click", crunchyCore);
document.getElementById("megaChipProcessor").addEventListener("click", megaChipProcessor);
document.getElementById("chippyHelper").addEventListener("click", chippyHelper);

document.getElementById("hideStageOne").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("stageTwoContent").style.display = 'none';

// Capture the right-click event on the tab
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(event) {
  // Check if the right-click was performed on a tab element
  var isTab ='tab');

  // If it was a right-click on a tab, prevent the context menu from appearing
  if (isTab) {

var min = 1;
var max = 4;
var hit;

var maxYield = 8;
var minYield = 1;

var percentChance;
var percent = 0;

var chipYield;
var chipOwned = 0;
var cookieBroke = 0;
var cookieClick = 1;

//var maxChipCollector = 0;

const Cookie = {
  health: 50

const PowerPunch = {
	name: "Power Punch",
	damage: "3",
	cost: "20",
	description: "+3 MaxHit."

const ChipCollector = {
	name: "Chip Collector",
	click: 2,
	cost: "25",
	percent: 0,
	description: "+10% for +1 Chip/Click"

const ChipHarvest = {
	name: "Chip Harvest",
	min: 1,
	cost: 20,
	description: "+3 MaxChip/CookieBroke"

const ChipProducer = {
  name: "Chip Producer",
  baseChipsPerSecond: 0.0,
  cost: 20,
  description: "+1 Chips/Second",

// Stage One
const StageOne = {
	name: "Stage One",
	cost: 500

const MightyMallet = {
	name: "Mighty Mallet",
	damage: "1",
	cost: "75",
	description: "+1 MinHit."

const CrunchyCore = {
  name: "Crunchy Core",
  min: 1, 
  cost: 50,
  description: "+1 MinChip/CookieBroke",

const MegaChipProcessor = {
	name: "Mega Chip Processor",
	baseChipsPerSecond: 0.0,
	cost: 50,
	description: "+2 Chips/Second",

// Stage Two
const StageTwo = {
	name: "Stage Two",
	cost: 1000

const ChippyHelper = {
	name: "Chippy Helper",
	baseChipsPerSecond: 0.0,
	cost: 100,
	description: "+5 Chips/Second"

var cookieHealth =;

function hitCookie() {
	hit = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) ) + min;
	percentChance = Math.random() * 101;
		if(percentChance < ChipCollector.percent) {
			 chipOwned = parseInt(chipOwned) + parseInt(;
	document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
	cookieHealth = cookieHealth - hit;
	document.getElementById("newCookie").innerHTML = cookieHealth;
	if(cookieHealth <= 0) {
		chipYield = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxYield - minYield) ) + minYield;
	  cookieHealth =;
		document.getElementById("newCookie").innerHTML = cookieHealth;
		chipOwned = chipOwned + chipYield;
		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		cookieBroke = cookieBroke + 1;

	if(cookieBroke == 20){
		cookieBroke = 0; = + 25;

function powerPunch() {
 	if (chipOwned >= PowerPunch.cost){
 		max = max + 3;
 		chipOwned = chipOwned - PowerPunch.cost;
 		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
 		PowerPunch.cost = Math.round(PowerPunch.cost * 1.5);
 		document.getElementById("powerPunch").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + PowerPunch.cost + ".<br> " + PowerPunch.description;

//Chip Collector
 function chipCollector() {
	if (chipOwned >= ChipCollector.cost){
		ChipCollector.percent = parseInt(ChipCollector.percent) + parseInt(10);
		chipOwned = chipOwned - ChipCollector.cost;
		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		ChipCollector.cost = Math.round(ChipCollector.cost * 1.5);
		document.getElementById("chipCollector").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChipCollector.cost + ".<br> " + ChipCollector.description;

//Chip Harvest
function chipHarvest() {
	if (chipOwned >= ChipHarvest.cost){
		maxYield = maxYield + 3;
		chipOwned = chipOwned - ChipHarvest.cost;

		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		ChipHarvest.cost = Math.round(ChipHarvest.cost * 1.5);
		document.getElementById("chipHarvest").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChipHarvest.cost + ".<br> " + ChipHarvest.description;

//Chip Producer
function chipProducer() {
  if (chipOwned >= ChipProducer.cost) {
    chipOwned -= ChipProducer.cost;
    ChipProducer.cost = Math.round(ChipProducer.cost * 1.5);
		ChipProducer.baseChipsPerSecond += 1 / 200;
    document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
    document.getElementById("chipProducer").innerHTML = +
      ":<br> Cost: " +
      ChipProducer.cost +
      ".<br> " +

// Mega Chip Processor
function megaChipProcessor() {
  if (chipOwned >= MegaChipProcessor.cost) {
    MegaChipProcessor.level += 1;
    chipOwned -= MegaChipProcessor.cost;
    MegaChipProcessor.cost = Math.round(MegaChipProcessor.cost * 1.75);
		MegaChipProcessor.baseChipsPerSecond += 2 / 200;
    document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
    document.getElementById("megaChipProcessor").innerHTML = +
      ":<br> Cost: " +
      MegaChipProcessor.cost +
      ".<br> " +

//Mighty Mallet
function mightyMallet() {
 	if ((chipOwned >= MightyMallet.cost) && (min + 1 != max)){
 		min = min + 1;
 		chipOwned = chipOwned - MightyMallet.cost;
 		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
 		MightyMallet.cost = Math.round(MightyMallet.cost * 1.5);
 		document.getElementById("mightyMallet").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + MightyMallet.cost + ".<br> " + MightyMallet.description;

//Crunchy Core
function crunchyCore() {
	if ((chipOwned >= CrunchyCore.cost) && (minYield + 1 != maxYield)){
		minYield = minYield + 1;
		chipOwned = chipOwned - CrunchyCore.cost;
		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		CrunchyCore.cost = Math.round(CrunchyCore.cost * 1.5);
		document.getElementById("crunchyCore").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + CrunchyCore.cost + ".<br> " + CrunchyCore.description;

//Chippy Helper 
function chippyHelper() {
	if (chipOwned >= ChippyHelper.cost) {
    chipOwned -= ChippyHelper.cost;
    ChippyHelper.cost = Math.round(ChippyHelper.cost * 1.75);
		ChippyHelper.baseChipsPerSecond += 5/200;
    document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
    document.getElementById("chippyHelper").innerHTML = +
      ":<br> Cost: " +
      ChippyHelper.cost +
      ".<br> " +

function play() {
  document.getElementById("gameBoard").style.display = 'block';
  document.getElementById("newCookie").innerHTML =;
	// gemClicker();


function shopScene() {
	document.getElementById("shopScene").style.display = 'block';
	document.getElementById("powerPunch").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + PowerPunch.cost + ".<br> " + PowerPunch.description;
	document.getElementById("chipCollector").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChipCollector.cost + ".<br> " + ChipCollector.description;
	document.getElementById("chipHarvest").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChipHarvest.cost + ".<br> " + ChipHarvest.description;
	document.getElementById("chipProducer").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChipProducer.cost + ".<br> " + ChipProducer.description;
	document.getElementById("stageOne").innerHTML = + "<br> Cost: " + StageOne.cost + " to Unlock.";

function back() {
	document.getElementById("shopScene").style.display = 'none';

function generation() {
    let totalChipGeneration = 0;
    let intervalID = setInterval(() => {
      let currentChipGeneration =
        ChipProducer.baseChipsPerSecond +
        MegaChipProcessor.baseChipsPerSecond +

      totalChipGeneration += currentChipGeneration;
      let chipsToAdd = Math.floor(totalChipGeneration);
      chipOwned += chipsToAdd;
      totalChipGeneration -= chipsToAdd;

      document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;

    }, 1);



function buyStageOne() {
	if (chipOwned >= StageOne.cost){
		chipOwned = chipOwned - StageOne.cost;
 		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		document.getElementById("stageOne").style.display = 'none';
		document.getElementById("hideStageOne").style.display = 'flex';
		document.getElementById("mightyMallet").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + MightyMallet.cost + ".<br> " + MightyMallet.description;
		document.getElementById("crunchyCore").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + CrunchyCore.cost + ".<br> " + CrunchyCore.description;
		document.getElementById("megaChipProcessor").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + MegaChipProcessor.cost + ".<br> " + MegaChipProcessor.description;
		document.getElementById("stageTwo").innerHTML = + "<br> Cost: " + StageTwo.cost + " to Unlock.";

function buyStageTwo() {
	if (chipOwned >= StageTwo.cost){
		chipOwned = chipOwned - StageTwo.cost;
 		document.getElementById("chipOwned").innerHTML = chipOwned;
		document.getElementById("hideStageTwo").style.display = 'none';
		document.getElementById("stageTwoContent").style.display = 'flex';
		document.getElementById("chippyHelper").innerHTML = + ":<br> Cost: " + ChippyHelper.cost + ".<br> " + ChippyHelper.description;

// store the number of gems collected

 function gemClicker() {
 let gems = 0;

 // create a cookie image element
 const cookieArt = document.createElement("img");

 // set its width so it's not too big
 cookieArt.width = 50;

 // make sure the cookie is hidden
 cookieArt.hidden = true;
 // remove any margins/padding = 0; = 0;
 // enable us to set x and y coordinates for the cookie = "fixed"; = 0; = 0;
	// set a high z-index to make it appear in front = 9999;
 // set the cookies source
 cookieArt.src = "./Cookie.webp";

 // remember the current timeout (so we can cancel it)
 let timeoutID = null;

 // create a recursive timeout loop to show/hide the cookie
function cookieTimeout() {
 	timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function loop() {
		// move cookie to random position = Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - cookieArt.width)) + "px"; = Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - cookieArt.height)) + "px";
		// show the cookie
 		cookieArt.hidden = false;
 		// wait to hide the cookie again
 		timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function() {
 			// hide the cookie
 			cookieArt.hidden = true;
 			// wait to repeat this loop
 			timeoutID = window.setTimeout(loop, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds
 		}, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds
 	}, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds

 // only start when the DOM is loaded and ready
 window.addEventListener("load", function() {
 	// get the gem display
 	const gemDisplay = document.getElementById("gem-display");

 	// add a click event to the cookie
 	cookieArt.addEventListener("click", function() {
 		gems += Math.round(Math.random() * 1 + 2); // + 5 to 10 gems on click
 		// update the gem display
 		gemDisplay.textContent = "Gems: " + gems;
 		// stop the timeout loop
 		// hide the cookie
 		cookieArt.hidden = true;
 		// restart the timeout loop

 	// add the cookie to the DOM

 	// start the timeout loop

It works if I put the gemClicker() out of the play function. but not when it’s in the function.

can you tell us why it doesn’t work?

that is what I’m trying to figure out.


If I put that outside any function the cookie will appear on the main screen but if I have it inside the play function it doesn’t appear. it be because it appearing behind the game scene but I tried z index and that didn’t help that is the game. ill place it outside the functions so you can see what happens just don’t click play

could you explain what you are trying to do, what is happening, and why you think it’s not working as well as the most relevant pieces of code?


open the link i gave you and you’ll see what I want it to do

 function gemClicker() {
 let gems = 0;

 // create a cookie image element
 const cookieArt = document.createElement("img");

 // set its width so it's not too big
 cookieArt.width = 50;

 // make sure the cookie is hidden
 cookieArt.hidden = true;
 // remove any margins/padding = 0; = 0;
 // enable us to set x and y coordinates for the cookie = "fixed"; = 0; = 0;
	// set a high z-index to make it appear in front = 9999;
 // set the cookies source
 cookieArt.src = "./Cookie.webp";

 // remember the current timeout (so we can cancel it)
 let timeoutID = null;

 // create a recursive timeout loop to show/hide the cookie
function cookieTimeout() {
 	timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function loop() {
		// move cookie to random position = Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - cookieArt.width)) + "px"; = Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - cookieArt.height)) + "px";
		// show the cookie
 		cookieArt.hidden = false;
 		// wait to hide the cookie again
 		timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function() {
 			// hide the cookie
 			cookieArt.hidden = true;
 			// wait to repeat this loop
 			timeoutID = window.setTimeout(loop, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds
 		}, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds
 	}, Math.round(Math.random() * 7000 + 3000)); // 3 to 10 seconds

 // only start when the DOM is loaded and ready
 window.addEventListener("load", function() {
 	// get the gem display
 	const gemDisplay = document.getElementById("gem-display");

 	// add a click event to the cookie
 	cookieArt.addEventListener("click", function() {
 		gems += Math.round(Math.random() * 1 + 2); // + 5 to 10 gems on click
 		// update the gem display
 		gemDisplay.textContent = "Gems: " + gems;
 		// stop the timeout loop
 		// hide the cookie
 		cookieArt.hidden = true;
 		// restart the timeout loop

The code Below is not in any function so it is working and causing the cookie to appear.

// store the number of gems collected

I want to know what you want to do in your own words … is there text on the website, I generally don’t ;lick on random websites

its a cookie clicker and yes there is text in my website

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well its a cookie that pops up then disappears then pops up and disappears and so on

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nvm, srry for confusing post. Anyways, to confirm, you want to make a cookie periodically appear on and off screen but it’s not working because of a specific function

correct it doesn’t work when it is called in a function

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i can invite you to my program if you want

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is there any errors?

no, i do not think so

can you confirm you are calling this function as well as the parent function

hang on let me use a alert to check

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what function is this again

gemClicker needs to work when its called in the play function

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k what is gemClicker supposed to do