Failed branch pulls from GitHub

Problem description

Branches in replit git are unable to pull from github.

Expected behavior

if a new branch is added in github, replit should pull it and make it available to edit.

Actual behavior

if a new branch is added in github, replit has no idea it exists.

Steps to reproduce

Create a repl, connect it to a github repository, make a new branch in github, and try to switch to that branch in the git tab.





Device if mobile




Hi @mrhpark1 , welcome to the forums!
Try pressing the :arrows_counterclockwise: button at the top-right to refresh. Then, click the dropdown main at the top of the page and select a branch.
Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the reply, and this almost fixes my problem. however, if I delete a branch in github, replit still thinks the branch exists.

Yeah, I noticed that too.
Try exiting the repl, re-entering, then fetch again?