Euler's Number Algorithm

Euler’s Number Algorithm

What we are asked to do is to find the form of any number to the power of e limited to m.

a = int(input("please give the number which refer to x0: "))
b = int(input("please give the number which refer to m: "))
pw = 1
c = a
fc = a
temp = a
res = 0
for i in range(2, b + 1, 1):
  while i > 0:
    pw = pw * a
    if c > 1:
      fc = fc * (c - 1)
    c = c - 1
    i = i - 1
  temp = temp + 1
  c = temp
  res = pw / fc + res
  fc = temp
  pw = 1
print(res + a + 1)

So, you’re attempting to compute x raised to the power of Euler’s number e, limited to the precision of m?


Exactly. Actually, this is called Taylor sequence and the desired digits of the Euler number are calculated with this method.


I’m pretty sure this would work fine, I haven’t tested it but:

import math

def _compute(x, m):
    result = 0
    for i in range(m):
        result += (x ** i) / math.factorial(i)
    return result

I think your solution looks pretty good and so easy to understand. This is my computer lab exam question and we mustn’t use any library and also power operator(**) in this exam. I wan’t to share my solution. Thanks for your reply :slightly_smiling_face:


You can’t use built-in libraries?

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I’m guessing you could use built-in libraries, but if you can’t use this:

def _compute(x, m):
  _x = sum(
      (x if i == 0 else x * term[-1]) / (factorial := 1 if j == 0 else factorial * j)
      for i, term in enumerate([[1] for _ in range(m)])
      for j in range(i + 1)
  return _x

@Berkayasd If this solved your problem, please mark it as a solution.

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Well if no imports can be used, we can improve some part of @Sky ’s program


def _compute(x, m):
    result = 1
    last_factorial = 1
    last_exponent = 1
    for i in range(m):
        result += (last_exponent / last_factorial)
        last_factorial *= i
        last_exponent *= x
    return result

I also improved the performance by a bit by saving the last factorial&exponent and multiply them with a new one instead of re-calculating factorials&exponents
And it kept it’s simplicity compared to the later solution given by @Sky

However, if m is the precision of the calculation. From what I remembered, m greater than a number below 30 (I forgot the exact number) will not be more accurate. This is because there is a limit for how many digits after decimal point is allowed in float variables. If m need to be large, the package Decimal have to be used for better precision, without import I don’t think it could work.


My code is more optimized since it uses a single loop structure and avoids repetitive calculations by using a single expression to compute the sum. So, I am willing to sacrifice a bit of readability just to get that extra optimization.


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