Error with selenium and flask

Question: Hello, I’m trying to make a site that parses another site to transfer data. But after 2 parsing, an error comes out, I indicated it below, maybe someone has encountered it.


Error: Message: unknown error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED (Session info: headless chrome=114.0.5735.106) Stacktrace: #0 0x5f47ce0fc4e3 #1 0x5f47cde2bc76 #2 0x5f47cde23c7f #3 0x5f47cde15ca2 #4 0x5f47cde17412 #5 0x5f47cde160ca #6 0x5f47cde15168 #7 0x5f47cde14fa0 #8 0x5f47cde139bf #9 0x5f47cde13fed #10 0x5f47cde2db06 #11 0x5f47cde9f9e5 #12 0x5f47cde87012 #13 0x5f47cde9f30e #14 0x5f47cde86de3 #15 0x5f47cde5c2dd #16 0x5f47cde5d34e #17 0x5f47ce0bc3e4 #18 0x5f47ce0c03d7 #19 0x5f47ce0cab20 #20 0x5f47ce0c1023 #21 0x5f47ce08f1aa #22 0x5f47ce0e56b8 #23 0x5f47ce0e5847 #24
0x5f47ce0f5243 #25 0x7f040f341e24 start_thread

Note: There are cookies, I have temporarily deleted them

This can mean a lot of things… Try to implement a delay between requests and uncomment the --disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled part of your code.