Error at starting Flowise

I’m having a runtime error when starting Flowise.
I followed the installation guide from Flowise

Note: I had to use the
yarn global add flowise --ignore-engines
Installation eventually completed without errors.
But when I start Flowise it breaks. See error below

Repl link/Link to where the bug appears:

Screenshots, links, or other helpful context:

~/FlowiseAI$ npx flowise start
2024-01-16 12:30:08 [INFO]: Starting Flowise...
2024-01-16 12:30:08 [INFO]: ⚡️ [server]: Flowise Server is listening at 3000
2024-01-16 12:30:08 [INFO]: 📦 [server]: Data Source has been initialized!
2024-01-16 12:30:11 [ERROR]: ❌ [server]: Error during Data Source initialization: require() of ES Module /home/runner/FlowiseAI/.local/share/yarn/global/node_modules/@upstash/redis/nodejs.mjs not supported.
Instead change the require of /home/runner/FlowiseAI/.local/share/yarn/global/node_modules/@upstash/redis/nodejs.mjs to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /home/runner/FlowiseAI/.local/share/yarn/global/node_modules/@upstash/redis/nodejs.mjs not supported.
Instead change the require of /home/runner/FlowiseAI/.local/share/yarn/global/node_modules/@upstash/redis/nodejs.mjs to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/runner/FlowiseAI/.local/share/yarn/global/node_modules/langchain/dist/cache/upstash_redis.cjs:4:17)

Solved updating to the latest version of Flowise. No worries,

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