Error Adding Student via link to Teams for Education

Problem description:
Using Teams for Education. We are trying to add students to our Team using the team invite link. When students go to the link, they are taken to the Team page but are not added-- no Repls / Projects are shown (even though there are many published). Students cannot join the Team unless we add them manually. Once we add them manually, all behavior is normal.

Expected behavior:
Team invite link adds students to the Team and they see all published exercises.

Actual behavior:
Team invite link DOES NOT add students to the Team. It takes them to the Team page without adding them; they cannot see any of the Repls.

Steps to reproduce:
We migrated new Repl Exercises to an older Organization and Team. This error is in trying to add students to this older Organization. We do not have a problem adding students via link to the newer Organization.

Bug appears at this link:

Browser: Chrome
OS: macOS Monterey
Device (Android, iOS, NA leave blank):
Desktop app version (Avatar menu->“Version”) or NA: NA
Plan (Free, Hacker, Pro Plan): Free

Hi, we identified the bug!
If “privacy mode” is enabled (students < 13 yo) on the team, then the join link does not work. Why is this? Can we fix this? Link join is very important for our courses. Thanks!

Hey @GraceDessert1!

Can you please email the join link to so I can check to make sure it has all of the correct permissions? Also, can you send me a username of a student that was invited but cannot see anything?

Lastly, can you send me the link/username of your Team?

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