Do you know Markdown?

A Markdown Tutorial will be released this week on the Learn page!

  • Yes!
  • No :frowning:

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Markdown is pretty easy NGL

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@QwertyQwerty88 Yeah, and it’s very useful!

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tbh I never used Markdown until Replit came along. Even when I used github I just stuck to plaintext. Now I get angsty when I can’t use it e.g. in MS Teams etc.

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Markdown is great, and easy to learn! I’ve even had the chance to talk with the creator, really nice guy!

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It has markdown, although typing it can be unpredictable and annoying sometimes

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Yep! It’s super simple :slight_smile:

Add a not really please :slight_smile:

Yes I even think I prefer Markdown formatting than Word or Google Docs!
Markdown is just so much simpler!

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MD is essentislly just HTML for instructions and whatnot. It can give your document more highlighted parts, which can be useful for confused users, so there’s no reason not to learn it!

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@hugoondev this guy?


Ur phone is at 1%. Charge it! :smiley:

@anon45021817, yes John!

Well, it’s an Android. Since Androids are more developer friendly then Apple, it does the little battery X thing up top when it takes some USB-C chargers (I would assume as a warning sign in case you are running any battery tests). My battery probably looks like a torn up pillow by now :grin:

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Lol, I still like Android better than iOS

Been an Android user my whole life. Tried Apple once on an old iPhone (really just a large iPod) and hated it. You had to sign up for Apple ID, fingerprint, I had to make multiple accounts to get in to the actual App Store. Whole thing was a mess. I ended up just using the thing for jailbreaking experiments.

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Really? I dont like android, google, or samsung, in terms of phones, laptops, and devices. I like their service (and fridges *samsung)


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