Deployment React TIMEOUT failure

Deployment Failure on Replit for Node.js/React Application

Repl link/Link to where the bug appears:

Screenshots, links, or other helpful context:
I am experiencing deployment failures on Replit with my Node.js/Express and React application. The build process for the React app completes successfully, but the deployment fails at the initialization stage. The logs provide limited information, only indicating a configuration or code error during deployment initialization.

2024-01-09T19:45:45Z info: Deployment: 19fd70cf-7fd2-456d-87c1-3cebc05f9988
2024-01-09T19:45:45Z info: Build: 43ed2bbf-c757-45bd-96bd-0031502b8b9c
2024-01-09T19:45:45Z info: Connecting to builder
2024-01-09T19:45:48Z info: Builder connected
2024-01-09T19:45:48Z info: Installing packages
2024-01-09T19:45:48Z info: Starting Build

> client@0.1.0 build
> react-scripts build

Creating an optimized production build...

Compiled successfully.

File sizes after gzip:

  47.21 kB  build/static/js/main.27c82849.js

  1.78 kB   build/static/js/787.d5fa4d18.chunk.js

  1.07 kB   build/static/css/main.a872f3c1.css

The build folder is ready to be deployed.

  npm install -g serve

  serve -s build

npm notice 
npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.2.5
npm notice Changelog: <>
npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.2.5` to update!
npm notice 

2024-01-09T19:46:09Z info: Pushing pid1 binary layer...
2024-01-09T19:46:10Z info: Created pid1 binary layer
2024-01-09T19:46:12Z info: Skipping Python layer creation
2024-01-09T19:46:12Z info: Pushing hosting layer...
2024-01-09T19:46:12Z info: Pushing Repl layer...
2024-01-09T19:46:12Z info: Retrieved cached nix layer
2024-01-09T19:46:12Z info: Created hosting layer
2024-01-09T19:46:33Z info: Created Repl layer
2024-01-09T19:46:33Z info: Pushed image manifest
2024-01-09T19:46:34Z info: Pushed soci index manifest
2024-01-09T19:46:38Z info: Creating Autoscale service
2024-01-09T19:46:55Z error: The deployment failed to initialize due to a configuration or code error. Check the logs tab for more information. For additional support, please post on and a staff member will take a look.

Attempts to Resolve:

  • Ensured React app builds successfully.
  • Reviewed and confirmed the server.js configuration.
  • Checked environment variables.
  • Added @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object to devDependencies.

I’m looking for insights into why the deployment might be failing during the initialization stage and any Replit-specific configurations or limitations that I might need to address. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @cavilla , welcome to the forums!
What deployment method are you using?

I am using AutoScale