Deployment is not working on my first project

i keep getting this error when i try to deploy my python code. does anyone know why?

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

exec [sh -c python3] error=exit status 1

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

exec [sh -c python3] error=exec: already started

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

Traceback (most recent call last):

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

EOFError: EOF when reading a line

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

inp=input("Please enter the hydraulic formula you want to use ")

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

File "/home/runner/21c1ee9b-eb43-4179-afc6-e81f9c5e9408/", line 25, in <module>

02/15/24 03:10:58 PM

Please enter the hydraulic formula you want to use

Repl link:

  1 Pressure
  2 Head In Feet
  3 Drafting Height in feet
  4 Momentary Nozzle Reaction
  5 Smooth Bore Nozzle Reaction
  6 Nozzle GPM
  7 Hydrant GPM
  8 Fog Nozzle Reaction
  9 Vertical Reach
  10 Horizontal Reach
  11 Sprinkler GPM
  12 Volume Of A Cylinder
  13 Gallons In A Cylinder
  14 Gallons In A Hose
  15 Celsius To Fahrenheit
  16 Fahrenheit To Celsius
  # user inputs the formula they want to use
  inp=input("Please enter the hydraulic formula you want to use ")
  CapInp=inp.upper()#makes the input uppercase

:wave: Welcome @jessesnipes!

You cannot deploy CLI applications.


what is a CLI application?

A program that requires input from a user in the CLI (command line interface).

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what can i do to get my code to the public?

You can have people fork or download your Repl.

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Thank you. that is really helpful

Please mark the post that helped you the most as the solution so people with the same issue can easily find the solution.

cc: @MattDESTROYER @Firepup650


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