Creating student accounts without email

Hi there,
I am following the instructions listed on replit education for teams → Privacy FAQ and their Inviting teachers and students page. I do not see the checkbox for Do Not Collect Names /Emails or when creating the team checking the box for COPPA. I used to be able to add students without emails to my replit, but I can’t seem to do that now. Can anyone help me with this?


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Hi Andrew,

I’ve edited my original post to show step-by-step what to do.

When I created a new organisation and then a new team I was given this option:

Make sure you tick the box.

Then share the link with students to join the team

Students then get the option to create their account


Or the teacher can open the link in an incognito window to set it up for them.


HI there,
I don’t have that option.


Its only avalible when you make a new team with in the org.

Hi there,
I am doing that, and I’m still not seeing that.


Hi Ian,
I don’t have the same options as you do. I used to, but it’s not there now.


found some more info…it only works for one team

Hi Andrew and Ian,
I’m having the same problem, but I am not sure what the solution is. I have been able to create multiple teams in the past without collecting emails. Has something changed within replit? The instructions I have found ( still make reference to ticking the “Do not collect names/emails” box, but I don’t see the option.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Hi @davidebert
It currently just works for one team. Replit Support are looking into this.

Hi Ian,
Thanks for letting me know. I assume if I archive one Team, I will then be able to create a new one without collecting emails. Is that true?

Hi all,
Someone suggested a replit command line workaround. Go to
Then select “choose team” from options that appear.
Then select “Update and existing team invite link”.
From there, toggle the “isPrivacyLink” box. Whether the link is a privacy link (read more here: (optional). This is how I was able to make it work for all my teams that needed it.


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Thank you, Andrew! That seems to have done the trick!

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Excellent suggestion @AndrewAbate !

Solution works. Thanks!

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