Container Won’t Take Up All Available Space

I am making a Porfolio using ReplitCSS, and I want my navbar and footer to be 100% width, like on the vercel website → But I’ve tried changing the width and it wont fix it.

Repl link:


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html, body {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;

.container {
    margin-top: -1px;
    width: 100%;

.align-center {
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;

Your Repl is private.

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@QwertyQwerty88 oppsies, I fixed it.

I need to remember that for next time lol

Is this alright? I asked AI make the nav bar and the footer not part of the container so that they take up 100% of the width of the entire screen not just the container they are in.
It does noticably move your introduction up, I’m not sure what to do about that.
I’m not sure if it’s explanation is accurate or not so use caution.

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  • The <section class="container"> element was removed from the parent element of the <nav> and <footer> elements.
  • The style="width:100%;" attribute was added to the <nav> and <footer> elements.


The <section class="container"> element was removed because it was no longer needed. The <nav> and <footer> elements are now positioned outside of the container, so they will span the entire width of the screen regardless of the width of the container.

The style="width:100%;" attribute was added to the <nav> and <footer> elements to ensure that they will span the entire width of the screen. Without this attribute, the <nav> and <footer> elements would only be as wide as the container they are in.

Overall, these changes ensure that the <nav> and <footer> elements will span the entire width of the screen, regardless of the width of the container they are in.

Why wouldn’t you just add a CSS rule to target the <nav> and <footer>, and 100% them?


I myself have no answer, this is what the ai said:

  • It could be more difficult to maintain. If you later decide that you want to change the width of the <nav> or <footer> elements, you would need to update the CSS rule. If you have set the width of the elements using the style attribute, you can simply change the value of the attribute.
  • It could interfere with other CSS rules. If you have other CSS rules that are targeting the <nav> or <footer> elements, setting the width of the elements using a CSS rule could interfere with those rules.
  • It could be less efficient. Setting the width of the elements using the style attribute is more efficient than setting the width using a CSS rule. This is because the browser does not need to parse the CSS rule in order to apply the style to the elements.
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I mean it’s still parsing a CSS rule? It’s actually doing more work this way since it has to parse 2 rules instead of one?

Also, that’s… Basically no effort for any modern browser regardless?

Unless this is somehow your most specific declaration, and the last one, not really.

It would be easier to change 1 rule instead of 2 rules.

(idk why I replied to these in reverse)
to me this seems like just some AI hallucinations, unless I’m missing something.

This is Monica weighing pros and cons of both methods:

For this specific web page, let’s weigh the pros and cons of using style attributes in the index.html file to change the width of the nav bar and footer versus using one singular CSS rule for both:

Using Style Attributes in index.html File:


Quick Implementation: Adding style attributes directly in the HTML file can be a quick way to apply styling without creating or modifying external CSS files.
Specificity: Inline styles have a high specificity, which can be useful for overriding external styles if needed for these specific elements.
Isolation: Changes made using inline styles will only affect the specific elements they are applied to, which can be beneficial if you want to target only the nav bar and footer on this particular page.

Maintenance: If you need to make changes to the width of the nav bar and footer across multiple pages, you will have to update each index.html file individually, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
Readability: Inline styles can clutter the HTML code and make it harder to read and understand, especially as the styling becomes more complex.
Reuse: Styling defined inline is not reusable across different pages or elements, limiting consistency and making it harder to maintain a cohesive design.
Using One Singular CSS Rule:


Separation of Concerns: By using a singular CSS rule in an external stylesheet, you adhere to the best practice of separating structure (HTML) from presentation (CSS), making the codebase cleaner and easier to maintain.
Consistency: A single CSS rule allows you to maintain consistency in styling across multiple pages by applying the same rule wherever needed.
Ease of Maintenance: Updating the width of the nav bar and footer is simplified as you only need to modify the CSS rule in one place, ensuring changes are applied consistently throughout the website.

Initial Setup: Creating an external CSS file and defining a CSS rule may require more upfront effort compared to adding inline styles directly in the HTML file.
Specificity Concerns: If there are conflicting styles from other CSS rules, you may need to manage specificity to ensure that your desired width for the nav bar and footer is applied correctly.

In conclusion, for this specific web page, using one singular CSS rule for both the nav bar and footer is generally recommended due to its benefits in terms of separation of concerns, consistency, and ease of maintenance. While using inline styles in the HTML file may offer some quick benefits, the long-term advantages of using external CSS rules outweigh them in terms of scalability and maintainability.

@vvithershins thank you so much for your help, your code worked!

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So ultimately it agreed with me, lol

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Yeah lol. I don’t think it was ever really disagreeing with you outright, just the way I worded the question made it look for potential benefits in using the style attributes over a CSS rule, while not necessarily saying it was definitively better. Sorry I didnt make this point sooner.

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