Console missing on screen. how do i get it back?

I can’t see the console screen, please help

Click new tab, then search for console, then click the console button. Alternatively you could also start and stop your program. If this is not your issue please provide more detail.


if it’s a HTML repl, click on the :wrench: on the top right of the Webview


@wsganpat Is it a web-based Repl or something else?

Hello there,

It did’nt work

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yes, it is just replit web-based Repl himself

Have you tried running the program? The console should open.
Is your repl an HTML or Node.JS repl? If it is an HTML repl, I do not think you will be able to use a console, this is not the case with Node.JS and Python (for example).

@wsganpat Then either press the wrench icon (near the url of your site) or make a new Repl tab and select Console from the options. Either works, I prefer the Console tab.

thank you. that’s it.

If it’s HTML, what I did was add a new tab, then scroll down to the we view option, then just press it and type one of your file names in the search bar, I don’t know if I did this really inefficently, but that’s how I fixed it