Code Builder - A collaborational game

Code Builder is a game where players take turn adding 1 line of code to the code. The language is python. Once someone makes an error, we restart.

Here’s the starting code:

print("Welcome to the game!")
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They did add a new rule, though:


Oh whoopsies, I didn’t see that XD!

I’ll continue:

color = (input("Let's play a game of chess. Do you want to be white or black (Wb)? ") + "W")[0].lower() == "w"


print("Welcome to the game!")
color = (input("Let's play a game of chess. Do you want to be white or black (Wb)? ") + "W")[0].lower() == "w"
if color:
print("You'll play as ", "white." if color else "black.", "Let's start the game!")
print("Welcome to the game!")
color = (input("Let's play a game of chess. Do you want to be white or black (Wb)? ") + "W")[0].lower() == "w"
if color:
  print("You'll play as white.")
  print("You'll play as black.")
print("Let's start the game!")
def playerMove():
  pieceToMove = input("Which piece do you want to move?")

@python660 your turn :eyes:

if pieceToMove:
  print("Invalid move")
print("Welcome to the game!")
color = (input("Let's play a game of chess. Do you want to be white or black (Wb)? ") + "W")[0].lower() == "w"
if color:
  print("You'll play as white.")
  print("You'll play as black.")
print("Let's start the game!")
def playerMove():
  pieceToMove = input("Which piece do you want to move?")
  if pieceToMove:
    print("Invalid move")

@python660 You made an error there’s no function called “process move”
so we restart

while True:

yar turn, @python660
make suar it has bing chilling :ice_cream: in it


You have underestimated my mandarin ability

now back to you :icecream:

是冰淇淋。Literally just run that on google translate lolz

whoops, i included some homophones in there, so now I’m technically talking about ice cream, sickness, Fast and Furious 9, and adaptive pricing.

However, I actually am chinese.

haha I'm gonna make an error so we restart B)

edit: oh I didn’t realize how old this was

hmm, is it considered necroposting then? (Lol Just kidding)

from replit2 import db_starter  # my package

Might as well continue it now, right?

from replit2 import db_starter  # python660's package
import firepup650 as fp # You can guess whose package :)
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Wait, db_starter is not valid… ugh I made a mistake

db = __import__("replit2").db.start(backup_mode=30)  # DB with backup every 30 seconds.

are comments allowed?

30 Seconds seems a bit excessive, but okay.

db = __import__("replit2").db.start(backup_mode=30)  # DB with backup every 30 seconds.
sql = __import__("firepup650").sql("db") # SQL DB :)
db = __import__("replit2").db.start(backup_mode=30)  # DB with backup every 30 seconds.
sql = __import__("firepup650").sql("db") # SQL DB :)
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request, session, flash # can't remember any more important functions. Also why aren't you guys using the normal import?

I guess I’m late, but how about this

app = Flask(__name__)
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