Can they make letting people fork Repls optional?

I feel like there are some people who don’t like their creations getting copied, so maybe you can make forking an option.

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They could always just copy the code, also anything you write on replit is pretty much open-source, so as long as they provide credits they can use it.


Hmm, this is a good idea!

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Welcome to the community, @YeetusMcMuffin! The problem, like @7heMech said, is that they can still see the code anyway, and to get rid of that, just means a private repl which already exists.

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Disabling forking would be pointless, because if people can see your files, they can copy them. Allowing forking discourages people from making copies without giving credit. Also, disabling forking would be like building a building, but only allowing people who purchase licenses to photograph it. People would photograph it anyways, regardless of whether they are allowed to.


lol to run a console repl, replit just ghost temp forks it and deletes it afterwards while storing important things like db URLs in local storage for later use XD so no there is no way in console repls


Can’t ephemeral forks be created for any public repl?


I mean that’s what it … does it literally forks it temporarily and then deletes it after your done running


You can add a license to your code to prevent people from stealing it if you want, here’s a github article on some license stuff The Legal Side of Open Source | Open Source Guides