Can’t create a NextJS repl from GitHub

I can do it as a normal REPL, but it somehow isn’t between the choices when I import code from github. The git repo I’m trying to clone is GitHub - ilariiiiia/knowurteacher: The public repo for, a service to know what’s the best technique to do an exam.
What can I do?

@Nicolello can you provide a link to your Repl and an image of what you see? Have you followed along with the instructions from here Replit Docs - Github Repository? You could try forking this and seeing if it works »

Yes. I’m not seeing the NextJS language on the dropdown

@Nicolello currently Next.js is not a language supported for the import for Github. You can try to manually set up Next.js in JavaScript, try this » Getting Started: Installation | Next.js. Hope this helps.


@Nicolello have you fixed your problem?

Kinda. I mean, it works, but it’s very slow. I guess it is solved tho. Will approve your answer now

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@Nicolello how much CPU and RAM are you using? This can effect how fast Replit does actions.

Cpu: not much unless building. Under 10%
Ram: usually 40% + 20% gray with spikes up to 100%

@Nicolello high RAM can slow down your device. Can you provide a link to your Repl so I can take a look?

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