An anonymous command

Question: i have a file with a on join + random message on ping + anonymous command, when i run the file all commands works great except anonymous command and when i run the same file through visual studio it works

Repl link:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, cooldown
from discord.ext.commands import CommandOnCooldown, cooldown, BucketType
import random
import asyncio

intents = discord.Intents.all()
intents = intents.all()

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents)

extraid = 1054620224277712936
chill = 765432932713627699
jirve = 852491970999222292

jenny = 986225395667988490
amox = 1103961345533157376
sundri = 1117409456737767515

group_good_msg = [jenny , amox , sundri]

welcome_channel_id = 1133740161197420615

specific_role_id = 933319340470722590  # Replace with the ID of the specific role

welcomemsg = ["aapka hi intezaar tha" , " kaise aana hua  " , "padhariye  " , "haveli me aapka swagat hai " , " aap aaye bahar aai", " <:ha_bhai:1209489897090588723> Oye tumm ha tum, aa gye, bhot jldi aaye", "<:blusheyebrows:1124649554248208394> kiske intezaar me idhar udhar ghum rhe", "<:hehe_boi:1124648923580092416> thoda idhar bhi aaoooo"]

extrapingmsg = ["kar li chull puri" , "sudharja" , "kya h " , "tera kuch nahi ho sakta" , "GM" , "ghar me bhai baap nahi h kya"]

nicemsg = ["kissi?" , "aise na karo ,kuch kuch hota h" , "hai "]
normalmsg = ["kya takleef h in jannab ko", "hai" , "kaisi hai" , "soja" , "ziddi murga h kya <:kya_bola:1190187079095824505> "]

msgall = ["na manbe?" , "zindgi se pyar nahi h tujhe?" , "ruk mantra marta hu tere pe abhi"]

chupcount = 1 

async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
    if isinstance(error, CommandOnCooldown):
        trigger_message = await ctx.reply(f" Badi jaldi h tereko anjangiri karne ki, chal time khoti mat kar **{error.retry_after/60 :.2f}** minute baad aaio naha dho ke.")
        await asyncio.sleep(6)
        await ctx.message.delete()
        await trigger_message.delete()

@commands.cooldown(1, 3*60*60, BucketType.user )
async def chupchap(ctx, * , args):
    global chupcount
    modchannel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels , id = 1225836301992071239 ) # mod channel jaha anonymus ka message jayega 
    chupchannel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels, id = 1225814936249172009) # anonymus channel 
    chupembed = discord.Embed (title = " anjan insan ne kaha " , description = args, color=random.randint(0, 0xffffff) , timestamp = ctx.message.created_at ) 
    chupembed.set_footer(text = f"anjan vyakti no. **{chupcount}**")
    await   chupchannel.send(embed = chupembed)
    await modchannel.send(f" command used by = {} ( {} )\n message = {args}")
    chupcount += 1

async def on_ready():
    status_random = random.choice["Haveli me Havan","With POM POM","With purple ki bandi", "in andheri nagri"]
    while True:
     print(f'Logged on as {bot.user}!')
     await bot.change_presence(, activity=discord.Game(status_random))
     await asyncio.sleep(10*60)

async def on_member_join(member):
    welcome_channel = bot.get_channel(welcome_channel_id)
    if == extraid:
        await welcome_channel.send(f"{member.mention} aa gaya extra")
        await welcome_channel.send(f" {member.mention} {random.choice(welcomemsg)}  ")

async def on_message(message):
    if bot.user.mentioned_in(message) and message.mention_everyone is False:
        specific_role_id = 933319340470722590  # Replace with the ID of the specific role
        if == extraid or == chill or == jirve:
            response = random.choice(extrapingmsg)
            await message.reply(response)

        elif in group_good_msg:
            response = random.choice(nicemsg)
            await message.reply(response)
            # Check if the user has a specific role
        else :
            specific_role = discord.utils.get(, id=specific_role_id)
            if specific_role is not None:
                # Reply with a specific message
                response_normal = random.choice(normalmsg)
                await message.reply(response_normal)
                response_all = random.choice(msgall)
                await message.reply(response_all)

        await bot.process_commands(message)  


It would help a lot if you could debug the error you are having (like add some error handling around the annon command)

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