Add a minimum character count for Replit Help tickets

Describe your feature request

We all know how annoying it is to deal with new users making a post with an ambiguous title and no content; Why don’t we make them provide more information? Although a minimum character limit might not sound intuitive at first, but even if OP were to provide gibberish such as “my replit is not found help i can’t cliiccckckkkkk why is the character limit”, it would still be infinitely more helpful than an empty form, especially when the user is never to be seen again.

Even if you’re an experience user, the character could wouldn’t be too hard to achieve, lets say, 25 characters in addition to the template.

What problem(s) would this feature solve?

Imagine if I left this blank? How infuriating would that be?

Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request

We have spent so much time asking OP for a repl link or what their error message was because they didn’t provide it originally. This issue could potentially be mitigated with a character count.

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This is something to request on Meta, as it is not possible to change the minimum character count for one category.


Qwerty is correct. Its currently set to 65 because replit staff changed it just to help with Bug Reports without concern for the rest of the forum. I am currently trying to get it back to 20 or what ever the default is.


When did that happen? I haven’t made a topic in a while…

This is a pretty good idea, but I feel like if it’s a rare error that is also critical, then the lazy user would be like “oh, forget it; they probably won’t do anything anyway” which results in less reports. (Also some Replit Help posts are actually bugs that get transferred to Bug Reports.)