Account plan Hacker

Sorry but I wanted to understand something. I’ve been a replit user for almost 3 years on a Hacker plan. Initially with this plan it was possible to keep online nr. 5 replies. Now it is no longer possible to keep even one. Furthermore, for about two weeks it has not been possible to run bots with the pyrogram library. With a Hacker plan that costs $7 a month, what can I do?

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With hacker you can only boost 1 repl and keep 1 repl always on

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I signed up for this plan to run and test due to my lack of experience programming pyrogram bots. I know it’s not your fault of course. In addition to this, given the numerous posts of reports, you have been aware of problems with pyrogram for about a month, making the account useless for me and I think for many users, but there are no explanations or solutions still today.

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There actually is a response from staff Pyrogram network issue - #36 by ShaneAtReplit.

Also I am not Replit staff I am a community member like you.

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How many cycles should you give me to keep a replit on for a month?

You would need 20 cycles per day. So for June you need exactly 600

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in deployment, 40 are needed per day

It depends on the tier. The cheapest is 20 per day

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would it be some sort of VPS?