A consle problem

Problem description

When I program and press loop, my console never displays the codes I type unless it is a question I typed and then answered. In this case it appears. . I hope there is a solution to this problem, please.

Expected behavior

The console was supposed to display the commands I typed on it

Actual behavior

, my console never displays the codes I type unless it is a question I typed and then answered. In this case it appears.

Steps to reproduce

1 Choose the regular Python programming language
2 Write a question for the user
3 You will notice that the console does not show the questions
4 You must write anything or press Enter and the question will appear
5 If you write down Brent’s order and write text in it, it will never appear




windows 10

Device if mobile

dell laptop


Inspiron 3558

Please upload screenshots

Hi @baadaaweeymon , welcome to the forums!
If you enter something into both inputs, will this bug still appear?

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Hi @baadaaweeymon I tested this Repl which appears to be the one in your screenshot, but it seemed to work great. I was able to use the console prompts to add and remove books from the arrays, which I hope is the intent. Skipping also seemed fine.

Were you able to solve your issue or am I misunderstanding how to reproduce?

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