Why is this snippet of code not working?

Problem description: The code snippet (below) is not working for some reason. I don’t know if this is a glitch or something, because when I do it, it says id or name can not be defined.

Code snippet: const userid = getUserInfo(id) and const user = getUserInfo(name)

Expected behavior: Find the userid and username.

Actual behavior: Error in console: id or user is not defined.

Steps to reproduce: ?

Bug appears at this link: https://replit.com/@MaxwellRose101/ChatterRe-Online-Chatroom

Browser/OS/Device: Chromebook

Please provide the replit link.


the problem is probably because you are using “const” where you should be using “let”


Ok thank you so much!

Looking at your code, you seem to misunderstand what the getUserInfo function does. It gets the user info from a http request, meaning you cannot get the information of a random user using their name or id. You should use it like this:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
	const userInfo = getUserInfo(req);

If you are trying the get the user’s id or name you would then access those properties from the userInfo object:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
	const userInfo = getUserInfo(req);
	console.log("id:", userInfo.id, "name:", userInfo.name);

But if the user is not signed in, the return value will be null, so you should be checking for that:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
	const userInfo = getUserInfo(req);
	if (userInfo) {
		console.log("id:", userInfo.id, "name:", userInfo.name);

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