Why does press of an arrow key make no change to `menu`?

Question: When you press the up arrow key, you can somehow see that the display has no changes, why?

Repl link: Lexi's crypto journey - Replit

# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
import blessings
import time
import os
import random
import readchar
import time
		from replit import db
	except ModuleNotFoundError:
		db = {}
except BaseException: # Future or past versions can change ModuleNotFoundError to something else
	db = {}

hotdogAscii = u"\u001b[48;5;220m\u001b[31m\u001b[1m)"
hotdogPlain = ")"
goldAscii = u"\u001b[48;5;11m\u001b[37m\u001b[1m ¡"
goldPlain = " ¡"
lexiAscii = u"\u001b[38;5;208m\u001b[1m(_\u001b[0m\u001b[48;5;214m\u001b[30m^\u001b[47m\u001b[1m..\u001b[0m\u001b[48;5;214m\u001b[30m^"
lexiPlain = "(_^..^"
	user = os.environ["REPL_OWNER"]
except KeyError:
		user = os.environ["USERNAME"] # MS-DOS and NT technology
	except KeyError:
		user = os.environ["USER"] # Unix, Linux, etc.
user = user.lower()
db[user] = [100.0, 100 / 4]
reset = u"\u001b[0m"

def heading(text="Lexi's crypto journey"):
	text = random.choice(text.split("\n"))
	print ((u"╒" + (u"═" * (len(text) + 2)) + u"╕").center(blessings.Terminal().width))
	print (("[  " + text + "  ]").center(blessings.Terminal().width))
	print ((u"╘" + (u"═" * (len(text) + 2)) + u"╛").center(blessings.Terminal().width))

def chooseSelect(move):
	move = list(move.lower())
	move[0] = move[0].upper()
	move = "".join(move)
	global menu
	menu = menu
	if move == "Up":
		if list(menu[0].values())[0] == True:
			menu[0][list(menu[0].keys())[0]] = False
			menu[-1][list(menu[-1].keys())[0]] = True
	elif move == "Down":
		menu = [{"Start game": True}]

def menuToCLI(menu):
	res = []
	for item in menu:
		if list(item.values())[0] == True:
			res.append("> " + list(item.keys())[0].upper())
			res.append("  " + list(item.keys())[0].upper())
	return res

menu = [{"Start game": True}, {"Settings": False}, {"Exit": False}]
print (("  " + str(db[user][0]) + "x " + hotdogAscii + reset + "\n  " + str(db[user][1]) + "x " + goldAscii + reset))
print ("")
print ("\n".join(menuToCLI(menu)))
print ("")
print ("[PRESS ENTER TO START]".center(blessings.Terminal().width))
key = repr(readchar.readkey())
if key != repr("\r"): # If the key is NOT the enter key
	while key != repr("\r"): # Repeat until the key IS the enter key
		print (("  " + str(db[user][0]) + "x " + hotdogAscii + reset + "\n  " + str(db[user][1]) + "x " + goldAscii + reset))
		print ("")
		print ("\n".join(menuToCLI(menu)))
		print ("")
		print ("[PRESS ENTER TO START]".center(blessings.Terminal().width))
		key = str(repr(readchar.readkey()))
		if key == repr("\r"):
		elif key == "\u001b[A":
		elif key == "\u001b[B":

Hi @RixTheTyrunt thanks for your question. The first thing I did was to print the key that was captured and noticed that it was returning an ANSI code, not Unicode. Therefore the screen was just clearing and redisplaying because it never met the conditions to move up or down.

Can you try \x1b[A and \x1b[B instead for up and down? Let me know if this works!