Why can't the link after completion be opened?

Why can’t the link after completion be opened?

What do you mean by that? Like what link are you talking about? Also, welcome to the community hope you enjoy your time here with us.


Hey, @Muhammad-Bondan, welcome to Ask.

What did you complete? For future reference, please provide more details so we can help you better. Also, try posting a question like this in #help if it has to do with Replit. Otherwise, #general is good. Also, please provide the link you’re trying to access.

Generally, if you can’t open a link, you can just right-click, copy the URL, and paste it in a new tab.

Edit: I meant Replit Help, not Replit Ask lol

Edit 2 (technically 3): changed it to tags

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Or if it has to do with programming i.e. needing code help.