Which coding language is simpler?

I want to see what other people think of the simpleness of languages.

Which one is simpler?

  • Python
  • NodeJS

0 voters

Which one is simpler?

  • C
  • C++

0 voters

Which one is simpler?

  • Pygame
  • Kaboom

0 voters


Learning Javascript is harder than learning Python but assuming you know both learning Kaboom is easier then Pygame


Python seems simpler than Node.js because it’s WAY more readable. In terms of learning a language, it depends on the individual that’s learning the specified language.

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But no one said anything about easier to learn…

I cannot answer mostly these because they mix languages and frameworks … sorry


I made all of them, which one is better in total:

  • Python
  • Node.js
  • C
  • C++
  • Kaboom
  • Pygame

0 voters

Personally, I’d argue that the inclusion of curly braces ({}) in JavaScript makes it more readable than Python. Python with only indentation and colons (:) sometimes gets confusing for me, whereas with JS I can simply look for the paired closing brace.


I agree with you.
Using indentation as a way to define blocks is something i got used to, but not truly like.

What I hate is when ppl don’t indent languages that may not require indentation.
You should always indent your code, whether you need it or not.