What’s this new loader?

Today when I went on a repl I was invited to, there was this new “Downloading Files” loader:

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Might be from the new deployment thing that’s my best guess


My first guess was that it’s related to deployments. They said they were completely redoing the VMs that Repls run on for deployments. However, I just created a new Repl and it didn’t do that, so I’m not sure.


the repl was not deployed though

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This loader has literally existed for years? Sometimes Replit is just slow and you will see it…

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Yes, but the text on the loader is different.

but the “downloading files” is new lol

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I have never seen that before lol.

No I’ve seen that before… I’m 99% sure that’s not new…

It never said “Downloading Repls”
Unless it did before we (@MiloCat, @DistantShadows, @anon40284853, @JayAySeaOhBee14 and I) joined.


I swear it did :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

Who would know if it’s new or not? Any ideas?

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I think it’s a new loading bar to show what the Repl is doing instead of just showing “Booting Repl” while it is loading.

It could also be a glitch that Replit added, but it didn’t appear until they fixed it recently, which allowed the “Downloading files” to be shown when doing so.

Never saw that.

Have seen the file thing like once.


Yep, guys I’ve just had confirmation from a staff member, this is not new.


No way the downloading files thing is not new… @IroncladDev ?

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@ShaneAtReplit confirmed it.

Yes, I’ve seen this ages ago. Not new. It just doesn’t always show up.

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Hmmmm… ok ig
Why doesn’t it always show up tho

Probably because the files the Repl is downloading are too small for it to show up. Or has already been cached and don’t require the Repl to download the files again

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