What is better? Python or Javascript

Team Javascript forever! @MattDESTROYER is apart of it. :smiley: so should most of the replit team

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I DECCLARE WAR! Make sure to click on all suspicious links in the future :wink:

@not-ethan could you split this war into a diff topic?

Yes please this guys prob confused why there’s a war in discussion of his website

WAR HAS BEEN BEGUN @anon45021817 @sonicx180 @anon40284853 @UMARismyname @QwertyQwerty88

  • Python
  • Normal languages

0 voters

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I just realized this is the second time i started a war over something stupid


Those are rookie numbers.


Time for ground rules, any attack has to be in the language you chose.

Team other languages, https://replit.com/@GiggaPoggers/Totaly-not-sus?v=1&scrlybrkr=50e8039c

Please dont look at the code

That is not going to work since replit doesn’t do Persistent file IO for each client run unless it’s hosted so even though it’s not going to work, please do not IP log

Ghostwriter let me down :frowning:

:skull: mans asked ghostwriter to make an IP logger

no that poll isn’t fair.

  • Javascript
  • Python

0 voters

@sonicx180 I hate the low-effort projects on trending as much as the next guy but let’s not start a war :confused:

That has absolutely nothing to do with this

And i started it

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Actually it does; I know for a fact that Sonicx180 hates python because of that reason because I was part of a repl website where he ranted about that

Dang. Never really knew that, maybe i should start following him

Yeah sorry about confusion :stuck_out_tongue:

no no no. I’m okay with python, just that replers overuse it and it’s annoying. Also, javascript is just better. :smiley:

If its better make a war weapon with it

:confused: well I know you hate it for some semblance of that.