Watch Repl Comments

Describe your feature request

I would like the ability to watch certain repls. This feature would notify you via email + replit notifications when there is a new comment on a repl. This can be toggled on or off and would be similar to GitHub’s watching feature.

What problem(s) would this feature solve?

I often like to see all the comments on a specific repl that I’ve worked on with a friend, or is a blog repl, etc. It’d be nice t get notified for new comments.

Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request

Being frustrated at missing multiple blog posts by IroncladDev xD


You might be able to scrape the Repl link for comments with Python or smth, then send them to your email. As for blog posts, I would say that the creator could add something like that, but I don’t think Replit allows emailing through code and proxies. Definitely got my vote, though.


Dillon, if you want I can add this to my extension (you know what I mean)

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@LuisAFK, that would be great, though I’d still like this as a built-in feature!


Exactly. Just that I don’t miss the posts :laughing:


extension? hmmmm. . . . .

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XL Replit.