Use of my own pypi package

I’m attempting to utilize my own PyPI package, dangcf, which is available at this address: link. nonetheless, it states this when I attempt to download it in my repl:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dangcf (from versions: 0.0.1.linux-x86_64)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for dangcf

how would I fix this, pls help me Im a sad boy because of this :<.

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wait. The package proxy hasn’t updated to include your package yet


how long does it usually take?

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all I know is: no more than a day


dang I should have uploaded it yesterday, I knew :(.

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Actually I think it might be this: go to the pyproject.toml file and change the python requirement to ">=3.8" The python repl has some weird requirements XD

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did literally nothing :joy:


lol sorry just spitballin’ XD


Its been approximately 17 hours and its still not registered.

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It is, it can find it, it’s just the source archive provided seems to be invalid.


I’ll just reupload it later.

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could you share source code and the shell commands you’re running to upload?

ill invite you to da repl ngl

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oh ok, anyway I found what was wrong, you seem to be only distributing the source, not the build


well I invited you so please tell me what to do :<

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It wasn’t that; it was because I didn’t properly upload the package, but @bigminiboss assisted me :).

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Yea you were probably using something that only distributed the source not the build :smiley:

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I used bdist then uploaded the source using twine.

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yeah idk I use poetry because replit built it like that and is depracated.

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