"Upgraded required" in a Nuxt.js Repl

That doesnt work either. It does expose the hmr via 9000 but replit now doesn’t expose nuxt dev server port 3000 as default 443 now. It’s like replit will only allow whatever port opens first (in this case port 9000 hmr) as the default 443.

See repl Nuxt 3 repl

Here is basic repl to replicate issue Nuxt 3 Repl

Any help getting it to load site including hmr would be greatly appreciate.

It was saying that you needed a websocket upgrade, not a Replit upgrade, most likely.

Right, the websockets ports are misaligned by replit. It’s replicated in Nuxt 3 repl.

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I got it working. Needed to add

protocol: 'wss'

To the vite config

Here is a repl in case anyone wants to fork it (Nuxt 3 Repl). It uses latest nuxt 3 with ssr and hmr

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