Title for Replit Reps

Thats odd. I have manually given you the title (but not from the badge)


Since Ethan manually gave the title, go to your account preferences and select the title. It should be there.

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No I manualy set their title to Replit Rep. Like how Ian gave me Grim cycles master. I don’t know why they cant use the badge.

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Thanks @not-ethan, weirdly I still cannot see the option for it in preferences or the badges section.

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@not-ethan Can do the same what you did to @robsd because I want Replit Repl Badge

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No because you are not a replit rep.


Hi @robsd just checking in.

I can see your title on the forum, but if you aren’t seeing it for some reason can you send me a DM please?


Taking a look at this and the box was never checked (and saved)…


Just fixed this


Great. So @QwertyQwerty88 was right?

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