The repl didn’t save my changes

Problem description: I am learning how to develop a theme of a blog. After using PHP to change the file content on the repl, it wasn’t long before the file returned to the version before I changed it.

Expected behavior: The file change to the latest version permanently.

Actual behavior: it wasn’t long before the file returned to the version before I changed it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Write a form that can send a POST request to change the file content on repl.
  2. Run the repl.
  3. Open the website which I am running on repl.
  4. Change the file content
  5. Wait for a day/several days
  6. The file content returned to the version before I changed it.

Bug appears at this link: 登录到TG的次元空间 - TG的次元空间 - Powered by Typecho

Login username:GuestUser
Login password:123456

Browser/OS/Device: Windows 7, Google Chrome 109.0.5414.120(32 bit)

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