Support for PNPM in Node Template

Describe your feature request
Support for PNPM in Node Templates

What problem(s) would this feature solve?

Using pnpm in node project

Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request

It would be great if Replit could add support for using PNPM in the Node templates. PNPM is a fast and efficient package manager for Node that offers significant advantages over other package managers, including reduced disk usage and faster installation speeds. Many developers have started adopting PNPM as their primary package manager, and it would be beneficial if Replit could support it in the Node templates. Please consider adding support for PNPM in the Node templates. Thank you!

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Could you try adding pkgs.pnpm to your replit.nix file?

but that removes the point of pnpm because you only have one project per repl and the cache is cleared every time the repl restarts

Replit are working on making a central node_modules for all repls, which would likely have a similar effect to pnpm

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Yes, you are correct. However, for some formal projects that are based on PNPM to manage dependencies, running them occasionally on Replit can be very helpful. It allows developers to quickly check on the status of the project and make any necessary changes if needed.

Tried this, doesnt work since there is no ‘pnpm’ package on nixos. Another package name works but pnpm i fails due to permission issue :frowning:

-122 = ‘Quota exceeded’: you’ve used >1GB storage.
try after you create a .npmrc file with:


So it doesn’t use a store.

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Try npm i -g pnpm in a Node template.

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The storage limit will be enforced?

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I think you’re getting confused with egress. I think UMAR was talking about the Repl storage.

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This screenshot says that there will be a storage limit @QwertyQwerty88


oh, never mind then. Pretty sure they’re supposed to be enforced in april

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Here’s a copy of that, in case that wasn’t supposed to be sent and gets deleted.

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how did u find this?

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someone sent it on #oof-topic

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Did @not-ethan send it there?

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no but Ethan has :heart:ed my post so it’s likely legit


That screenshot is from the Replit community Slack and it ran by Replit. That was me talking with Replit staff and its all real.


So storage limits are going to be replit’s next great mistake? :eyes:

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They are already a thing. They just are not enforced unless you are purposely abusing it or breaking TOS


Will they be enforced more in the future?