Student environment upgrading - old jar won't work

Using an older jar file with my classes. Suddenly some of my students are getting auto-upgraded to nix environment and projects won’t run. I have been teaching this unit for years. How can I get jar files to work in new environment?

If anyone can get this working again, it would be appreciated! Worked perfectly until they were “upgraded”

Yes it does but its a hidden file. To view it press the 3 dots at the top of the file explorer then click Show hidden files

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So under the new nix environment, I cannot add a jar classpath to the .replit:

run = "javac -cp ./jars/acm.jar: && java -cp ./jars/acm.jar: Main"

How can I get this jar to work?

This is the new .replit:

compile = "javac -classpath .:target/dependency/* -d . $(find . -type f -name '*.java')"
run = "javac -cp ./jars/acm.jar: && java -cp ./jars/acm.jar: Main"

entrypoint = ""
hidden = ["**/*.class"]

language = "java"

packageSearch = true

pattern = "**/*.java"

start = ["jdt-language-server"]

language = "java"

channel = "stable-21_11"

support = true

command = "javac -classpath .:/run_dir/junit-4.12.jar:target/dependency/* -g -d . $(find . -type f -name '*.java')"

transport = "localhost:0"
connectTimeout = 60
startCommand = "java-debug"

command = "initialize"
type = "request"

adapterID = "cppdbg"
clientID = "replit"
clientName = ""
columnsStartAt1 = true
linesStartAt1 = true
locale = "en-us"
pathFormat = "path"
supportsInvalidatedEvent = true
supportsProgressReporting = true
supportsRunInTerminalRequest = true
supportsVariablePaging = true
supportsVariableType = true

command = "launch"
type = "request"

classPaths = ["."]
mainClass = "Main"

If anyone can get this working again, it would be appreciated! Worked perfectly until they were “upgraded”

Got it to work! changed compile line in .replit to match run