Should Replit have a TikTok link as your information?

Like adding websites, your YouTube channel, Dicord, and so on. Don’t you think that you should have a Tiktok link to your channel as well. It would be pretty cool if they did because TikTok is such a big platform and it would be interesting to have a TikTok channel link as well, do you agree with me?



YouTube Shorts are basically just TikTok and if they allowed YouTube, maybe they’ll allow TikTok.

Slight problem: TikTok is notorious for fake content/misinformation, it’s not popular for finding ways to solve problems in code (rather dances and memes lol), and schools don’t like it. That would cast a bad light. I take it back; it’s a big platform but not one you’d associate as good for something like Replit.


On Replit there’s actually good content unlike cough cough tiktok


There’s also not issues with people encouraging each other to do extremely dangerous things…


in my humble opinion, absolutely not


True there is a lot of misinformation and fake content

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You forgot the TidePod challenge…

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To actually answer your question, no. I don’t think Replit should promote more trash content than they already do! TikTok is also extremely invasive and malicious.


No please. TikTok is something i truly do not like and see now usefulness into being used for this.


On TikTok, there is really no programming community, so there is no reason to add it.


Same I won’t see much value in spending my time on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter. However, I find YouTube to be more useful than those other sites due to its programming content and tutorials in many topics that are useful in programming. In fact, I credit YouTube for helping me gain knowledge on debugging code and how to use debugging tools, as well as tools like npm, webpack, and git.

You still need to learn many things in programming by trying and failing but watching tutorial first makes process much faster than randomly figure out everything. :sweat_smile:


I think we’ve all decided this isn’t a good idea


Honestly, no.

A lot of people on Replit are trying to earn money from coding. TikTok is a goofy place for goofy ahh people to do goofy and dangerous things. Putting your goofy TikTok on your Replit account may make you look unprofessional and unfit for work, choosing bounty hunters not to pick you for bounties.

Okay, so just don’t link your TikTok then. Problem solved, right? Wrong. TikTok promotes disgusting and dangerous “trends” such as licking toilet seats, stealing toilet seats from school, and other horrible things. This could put Replit in a bad light for schools.

Honestly I have no idea what I’m talking about at this point. I’m just typing random words and trying to express my hatred for TikTok.


BRo fr fr lol. TikTok more like BadTok

Ah yes, I see you feel this way too...


Also TikTok steals their users’ data too (which I’m pretty sure mostly Americans use it, could be wrong tho)


Maybe that is (I wonder why it’s legal, but I know big platforms like youtube listen to keywords like “Orange Cat” and it’ll give you shorts of cats and orange cats) but technically you signed up for it. It’s in the Terms of Service and Privacy policy (which I do read) so you agree for that to happen. That’s not [legally] stealing anything because you’re giving them permission to take that stuff from you. IIRC Google Play tells you what data any app collects and what they share and what they share to external companies, and for what reason.


TikTok doesn’t steal data. We give it to them.


Hi all, thanks for sharing this feedback, our team is taking note! I’m going to close the topic for now as we’ve diverged from the Ask purpose a bit.