Sharing project with students as read-only

that’s literally invalid syntax my guy

bro I said you need to do "bigminiboss"

ik I saw ur comment. Did it add you?

No such thing as permanently deleting. I have hid the revisions so only mods and admins can view it

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Oml tsym lol. I literally just had a panic attack!

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Ok I think it works?

Normally next the the name it would say, “Can edit”

BTW You should check out your theme

But If i delete the code, then run it again, would you still have access?

I don’t know I couldn’t access it lol


Also what happens when you try to go into the repl?

nothing nvm

pika told me it would work but it didn’t :frowning: maybe they patched it

Thanks to everyone responding, it solves my problem.

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