Share your thoughts on Replit's community!

Hey all, I’m conducting user interviews to check in with folks about our community. If you’d like to chat (just 30 min video chat or asynchronous text-based chat) and share your thoughts on Replit’s community on this forum and across our social platforms, go ahead and comment here and I’ll DM you with more information! Hope to talk to you soon!


I would love to share some feedback!


You can Count me in :slightly_smiling_face: Too

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Sadly, I do not have dm :frowning:

I would love too share my thoughts! oh wait, this is over nvm

This was from ~6 months ago and this has since ended. If you have feedback about the mainsite community post it in #general or #general-problems with what ever is a better category.

If its about Replit ask you can post it in #general with the tag #forum-feedback