Running shell command when clicking Run button

I was wondering if there a way to run a shell command in a HTML, CSS, JS Repl when clicking on the Run button.

You could maybe detect the run button being clicked with a browser extension and make the extension send a request to another repl, which tells a program started when the container boots (using onBoot) to execute a program.


I don’t think that’s possible as HTML, CSS, JS Repls are “special,” they’re statically hosted.

Or you could use a browser extension as 9pfs said lol.


The correct way is to create a back end script in (for example) php and run that. However, there are struck security rules around these things and I am nit sure it will result what what you have in mind (for example: do you mean server or client shell?)


You can’t run PHP in an HTML, CSS, JS Repl… Or any backend.


There used to be ways (years back, I admit my last try was like 10 years ago), did they block also those now?


You remember this thread, don’t you?: Can you use PHP in an HTML, CSS, JS template? - #5 by MattDESTROYER


man, I got confused again … either I am still half sleeping (just stood up) or it is an age thing. Sorry


After trying out different methods you guys have suggested and methods from the internet, going as far as looking at the .replit configuration docs and solving it myself, I couldn’t find a reliable and sustainable solution to run shell commands in a HTML, CSS, JS Repl. So therefore, I have decided to just use Node.js to host and run the commands which seem to work well.

To those who tried to help me solve this problem, I am genuinely sorry for wasting your precious time fixing this issue. I truly appreciate your help and support you provided to me regarding this issue and I seriously can’t thank you enough.

I’m going to mark @whileTRUEpass’ answer as the solution, for he had the closest solution to my problem, and what I later decided to do to fix my problem.


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