Running Podman on Replit (or rootless Docker)?

tl;dr I don’t think this is possible.

Another error I would get:

> podman machine init
Error: exec: "qemu-system-x86_64": executable file not found in $PATH

Basically Replit containers block Podman/Docker from using a specific syscall for cloning images. The Replit team would need to either:

  1. Build their images with --security-opt seccomp=unconfined (or --security-opt seccomp=/usr/share/containers/seccomp.json). Running sestatus to check for SELinux prints disabled for me, otherwise we’d also need --security-opt label=disabled to disable SELinux.
  2. Run the images with --privileged

I have a feeling the Replit team is not willing to do that, as I assume it would pose a security risk? I have learned that “rootless” does not equal “without any privilage at all”, but I don’t fully understand the security implications. :sweat:

cc @dragonhunter1 again, since I’ve seen you mention Podman as an option a few times in other threads. It is unfortunately not an option. :sweat_smile:

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