Replit product listings

I would like the a feature where you can create a listing for a specific product (similar to the website fiverr) you could set up a shop of things that you could make, and someone could buy something specific from you.

What problem(s) would this feature solve?
When looking through bounties, it’s often hard to find one that is in your scopes or in a language you know, if you could create listings, i could, for example, have a thing on my profile that said I could make somebody a discord bot for 100 cycles, someone could click that and apply to purchase a discord bot from me.

Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request
I was just scrolling through bounties and wished that I could tell other people what I could do instead of other people telling me what would be cool. It would be a good feature for people with lots of skill in centralized areas.


Welcome to the community, @NotNotGrumm!

I think this is a great idea!

Um that would probably require some fiddling to configure it like that XD

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Yeah but its the closest to it at the moment.

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mmm, I actually tried working on this once :smiley:

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Yeah its a very interesting concept.


This actually sounds cool (if replit pulls it off correctly :roll_eyes: )


yeah honestly weary as to how replit would do it

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Awesome idea. We’ve been exploring it. :slight_smile:


I think it is nice idea

This feature has been added, it’s called Services. You can see them on the Bounties page. Unfortunately right now they aren’t accepting any new services but there are some you can buy right now.

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