Rate Limit Preventing me from Using Replit

Replit is great as a development platform. However, as a production platform, the rate limit is killing me. I’m not making that many requests, even just in testing looking at the site, making a change, and then refreshing, a lot of the times I’ll hit the rate limit so quickly (I use flask, and I can’t imagine anything I’m doing would be making that many requests). I asked them about it before, and I was told they can’t share their rate limit, so I have no clue what it is.

It’s like, I want to spend money on your platform! I like this better than heroku! Let me spend money to have more requests! But at this rate (limit, ha), what I want to use this platform for isn’t being met, so I might as well go back to my old process of developing locally for free, and publishing at a higher cost on Heroku.

Am I just doing something wrong, is the rate limit “This Repl is really popular! Try again later” screen actually hard to hit? Or do you, like me, also hit the rate limit all the time?

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If you’re seeing that, (afaik) it may mean that your repl is doing something that breaks Replit’s ToS (I’m not sure). The issue should go away on its own.

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No, that’s the “This repl is currently unavailable” error.
This does, indeed, look like a rate limit to me.


I asked them a while ago what the rate limit was, and they just told me they couldn’t tell me. Do you often find you hit the rate limit quickly? I’m also confused, cause if my little app that only I’m using for testing is hitting the rate limit after like 5 refreshes in 2 minutes, how in the hell are the trending apps on the home page working fine?

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You need to check why you hit the limit. Either for errors or because this is how your repl works. In the latter case it means you have something that needs to generate money to run as it consumes lot of resources.
Honestly, if you want free unlimited deployment, you need your own server with a DDNS or fixed IP. Or look at how much other services cost (and skip google as they steal people work)

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