Pop Out Window - Dangerous content message

I’m using Teams for the first time with students for the first time. We are learning some of the basics with html and CSS. A few of them have had the attached message appear when using pop out window to view their sites. I’m thinking that something they are linking to is not safe but not sure. Any insights on why this is happening or suggestions for debugging without further issues? My thoughts are work backwards and remove links to see if we can identify the problem.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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Is it possible that JavaScript is disabled for the browser or that they are pasting malicious code into the program? Can I have a link for one of the issue projects?

Seems like there was regression somewhere Security Blocking HTML Repls

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Anything is possible. I just started teaching this to my eighth graders and I’m a bit rusty myself. I was using html when Dreamweaver came out. Here is the link from teams. I haven’t figured out how to actually share it though. Working on that now.

How would I know if they disabled javascript? There are 3 students in different classes having this issue. None of my CS teacher friends have seen this either.


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Welcome to the forums, @AudraKaplan! You can try using Firewalled Replit (this will probably get rid of internet access on the Repl while you are on Firewalled Replit). Do you have any steps we can use to recreate the error?

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The link you provided is reporting an Error 404 page… I only have experience with Safari in this case, if JS is disabled it would be located in settings > safari > advanced > JavaScript

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This might help with checking if JavaScript is enabled.

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GOOGLE TRANSLATION: 3 buttons on the top right>Settings>search JavaScript>may be in security but I’ll make a correction edit later> enable on all sites (you can change this later if you feel it isn’t safe)

Thank you for all the suggestions. A friend noticed that some of the links have “encrypted” in their file names. I will look at how the kids are accessing these links to see if that is an issue. I will keep you posted once we figure this out. Thanks again!