Outbound Data Transfer and Selenium

I have a Repl that uses Selenium to get some information on a web site and provides a Flask web site with logs.
The Outbound Data Transfer is growing at around 2GB per day and I don’t understand why…

Is there a way to monitor how the outbound data transfer comes from ?
Is the Output Window where I can see Selenium Chrome driver using output data transfer ?


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Go to Account → Scroll down to Resource Usage. Hover on the bar and look for your Repl.

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Yes, I have checked that and I’ve seen that it is gorwing very quickly and i don’t understand why …
Is there a way to check what’s happening by shell tools or python code ?

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As far as I know, there currently isn’t any way to check egress by the Shell.


growing* lol


Well, a webserver + selenium would be very network intensive, so ig it is in the design of your programming.


It’s probably the output tab, since the VNC server is running on the Repl and therefore still counts as egress.


Yes, I understand it should be in my programming but I have two different repl that work but one is very network intensive.
I start a Selenium Chrome, get a website and close the Chrome.
But even if i don’t have the Repl opened in my browser (or with Output closed), it still takes too much output. I have tried to kill all Xvnc or Chrome processes, my Repl is still using bandwidth …
I really don’t know what to do


Is there any particular reason to use selenium? I always found it overly resource intensive, and unless you are constantly scraping new websites/need the JS functionality, requests should be able to do it all, with enough monitoring of the website.

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Yes, the scraping doesn’t work with requests… I need to open the website and wait a bit to have a good result… Selenium works great but requests doesn’t get the good result.

In fact I have found that Selenium is using ressources but not that much and my issue seems to happen when i open some big log files … that’s strange but I know how to avoid using outbound transfer … Never happened before …