New Year New Replit | Announcing more power and changes to pricing

@IanAtCSTeach I really talking about the replit community as a whole, as you said I only been on ask a bit (I joined on my alt about a month ago) so I can’t really speak much to the replit ask community.
Mostly just the ig.


All these people arguing about Hacker plan while I dream of what it’s like to keep my Repl on for a day.


I love Replit, mostly because (1) I can work on my projects from a lot of places, and (2) it makes it so easy to experiment with a wide variety of languages, without setting them up locally. And I understand that you have to make money to stay afloat!

But as someone with a Hacker plan I find this kind of change pretty disappointing. Why do I like some sort of a Plan:

I want to pay a fixed amount of money, preferably yearly, to get a fixed set of services in return. I don’t like to fiddle around with something like Cycles for flexible extensions. Such systems are inefficient, need micro-management, and tend to lack transparency. I’m just speaking for myself, I don’t want Replit to get rid of it, most likely there are users that are happy with this options!

If the Hacker plan is too cheap, fair enough (the number of features has increased significantly over the last years), then please raise the price. If that raise would be within a reasonable range then I would definitely be on board. Or make more plans instead of just 2 Free/Hacker, something like Free/Hacker Basic/Hacker Advanced etc.

A minor point: I have paid for a year and therefore expect the promised service for that year. So making a cut somewhere in-between that year seems odd to me.


On the Discord, soren confirmed that in the future pingers quote “may not work as they are right now”


Where? I dident see that.

I too felt that they gave lot of free cycles while promoting bounties… basically a lot

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You know, that’s great and all, but that doesn’t benefit the current users at all, maybe you are just trying to kick the existing and get new ones who would be willing to pay the absurd prices for that “most powerful development experience”.


Actually I have felt that sometimes too and I don’t even pay rn :laughing: but yeah replit should nerf the limits of free users because unlimited repls are too much; I have seen many accounts who just create repls, fork them and leave them for eternity… (saying this as a free user)


What an awful change. I was going to host a Minecraft 1.19.3 server network on Replit, but the reduction of boosted Repls and always-on Repls from 5 to 1, and the fact that the boost has been nerfed to 2 vCPUs + 2 GB RAM has really pissed me off. Now, I can only afford to host 1 single server here because of these changes.

This is really sad. My dream of making a whole entire network, with an active community, at an affordable price of just $7.00 a month, has been crushed, all by the exact same people who made this IDE in the first place.


Check here on the Discord server


This litterally feels more like a rant. How is the Replit community toxic?

Also curious about this.
Paid for a year of Hacker last month.
Also purchased Patron.

This is the first I’m hearing of this. Will I be grandfathered in, along with all existing hacker Subscriptions? Thank you :slight_smile:


They note it feels ranty even to themselves, the community, has, and always will be toxic unless you know coding, it in and of itself expects everyone to know how to code but refuses to teach them. This is the majority of the community, which is why you will only see staff and a handful of people on these forums. It really doesn’t help that sometimes you have to be very patient with people in this community as when they say they’re beginners, they really know absolutely nothing

Also feels like there could be more nuance here. I have several basic HTML pages I’d like to keep alive, dynamic pricing would be :100:

Link to message:


So basically, not only did they take out boosted repls, but they took out always on repls, just because money.

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I guess I am screwed


Never encountered these kind of people. Ever.


oh, sorry, then, it’s just the community here tends to be kinda toxic, but I guess I’m basing it off my memories of cycle farming. Most of the time, a lot of people just want clout in old replit (that was the incentive to help others), the moment they took it away, people started to fight a lot more, and get mad at people who comment on their repls sometimes.


The Replit community started to decline ever since they made the new Community tab, got rid of Replit Talk, and introduced cycles. I guess it’s more profitable for Replit now but the old community feel is completely gone.

But still I believe if they add more value to cycles it would be nice, and if they change how the community feed works


yes, this is a much better way to say it, but yes, old community was peak, new community kinda sucks