My programming language aka JMP

Not gonna lie, it looks pretty much like Python to me with some minor differences, but given how complete it is, it’s pretty amazing! I love flag and jump. Is r basically a label and if code reaches jump, it goes to the flag with the same label?



May or may not be inspired by python.


Very cool feature! I can see where the name came from :smile:


Well, actually the name came before the feature, and I made the feature to be unique and meet up to the name. Don’t ask why :expressionless:

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Something seems to be wrong with the template… When I run it, I get: jumplang: command not found


Can you link your copy of the template? Or is the front page broken.

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It’s the front page, I didn’t fork it, do I need to?


No, it should work. Try running kill 1, and @bigminiboss are you having this issue too?

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no… but then again I never ran it XD (I just check code most of the time)

Ah, it works fine once forked, that’s weird though… why doesn’t it work on the cover page of your template…?


The cover page is weird sometimes, might be because of the fact that it uses shell.nix, and the cover page runner might be outdated.


Any recommendations for the template before I try to get it verified? The documentation is not the best.


Update: It did not get verified… replit does not “promote custom programming languages”. (It wouldn’t let me edit the old message)

This programming language i.e JumpLang is easier or same as python
Surely see the source code on my laptop

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@dragonhunter1 Error when I run the Blank Repl:

> jumplang
sh: line 1: jumplang: command not found
exit status 127
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@dragonhunter1 This is pretty cool

(How did you parse functions BTW?)

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Yeah, that seems to be a bug with replit. I will have to report is sometime.

Look at the source code, but I guess it is just this:

DefStmt(kw) <- ib.Line(kw * +Blank * Ident * W * '(' * W * ArgList * W * ')' * W * ':' * ?Comment) * ib.Block(StmtList)
FuncStmt <- DefStmt("func")

@dragonhunter1 I don’t know anything about Nim so it looks complicated lol

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If you know python, I recommend first learning type-hinting in python, then try Nim. It will make it a lot easier.

@dragonhunter1 What does DefStmt(kw) mean? Is it a function? I thought proc made functions.

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