Move from scratch to replit for making games

hello, i know this is about posting errors about the project you are making, but i joined today and i am new. i am a normal skilled coder and only made projects on scratch. i want to make a game but i need help making it because i don’t know all this “real code” stuff as only i make stuff on scratch

For games, thats going to be a big jump, since the the only thing “real code” gives you is text, no automatic game engine ( Like scratch has sprites and backgrounds, “Real code” does not have that right away). Scratch will give you the basic coding concepts, but the “Game” aspect of it does not help as much. I recommend learning the basics of language before making a game, I would recommend learning python, which there are lot’s of tutorials for on google.


I’d recommend learning C# (&& C++ if you can) so you can create games using Unity. But if you’re looking for an easy to learn programming language, I’d recommend Python. There’s a course for it on Replit!


If you’re a beginner to “real coding”, I would recommend you start off with Python and Pygame. You can find some tutorials here.


I recommend: Python, C++, CSS + HTML, for great firsts, depending on the path.

CSS + HTML (as starting)



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You can use C++ as a backend?

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If you’re used to scratch, I would highly recommend kaboom.js. It uses JavaScript (Which scratch uses), has it’s own sprite system, and uses english language, like if and do. Not only that but it’s incredibly easy to do. (Might I add that It’s faster than pygame in most scenarios.) However, that’s for game development. A good all round language would be python or plain JavaScript.


Kind of, nevermind its better for software.

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I’ve also seen people recommending C++ to start with as it gives more complex start and better understanding,
P.S. it is also easy to learn C# after C++ but python can give you wider variety of choices to switch between (eg. From game dev to web dev or apps or A.I.).

Even js will be easier for you as @AMDryzen5600X stated. But it’s more widely used for web games than games on pc or mobile.

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I’ve seen some Repls that were Scratch projects embedded using an iframe in an HTML page. Basic HTML is super easy and a quick internet search will tell you how to use an iframe. For real coding, i.e., not command blocks, I highly recommend learning some form of JavaScript (I saw kaboom.js suggested here and that would work). Personally, I know Python, but I find it limiting as it is naturally very text-oriented and not web-based. JavaScript is made for the web, so if you learn it you will be really well off (sharing your work with others is easier). Try Replit learn or Khan Academy W3Schools for tutorials. Replit has some good templates for pretty much anything, so you have that going for you.
EDIT: Changed Khan Academy to W3Schools per mattdestroyer’s advice.

thanks for the info!

Python costs money, and i’m saving on cash to support my family so…

To be honest, I began with Python because of its simple syntax and easy-to-learn design. Plus, it has so many applications that you could do almost anything with it other than make “insane” looking GUI’s :).

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How does python costs money?


hmm, because it runs inefficiently? :thinking:But then there’s less time → energy → money spent coding :thinking:

Welcome to the community!

I would also recommend JavaScript, it runs in your browser, so you don’t need to set anything up. It is much closer to the most common syntax of languages than Python. C# is great, it’s actually my favourite language, but C# has a steeper learning curve, especially for any sort of graphical application. If you do decide to go C#, try Unity. Unity will allow you create desktop applications for almost any operating system using C#.

I would suggest using CodeAcademy to learn JavaScript, specifically the Learn JavaScript and Learn Intermediate JavaScript tutorials (which are completely free).

I’m actually going to say you probably don’t want to learn JavaScript of KhanAcademy, it teaches you some bad practices and is generally outdated, you can’t run any ES6 at all (the more modern JavaScript features). KhanAcademy also teaches you PJS which is a graphical library and you probably won’t learn much about the DOM (Document Object Model, how JavaScript interacts with HTML), or the HTML5 canvas, which PJS is basically a shortcut library for. Once you’ve completed the at least the first tutorial from CodeAcademy, you should look up the HTML5 canvas on MDN and/or W3Schools and requestAnimationFrame and that should send you on your way to making games. MDN and W3Schools are great resources for anything JavaScript, MDN is suited to more experienced/advanced developers, and you will want to use MDN when you need documentation. W3Schools is great for beginners and is much more simplistic, so at first you’ll probably spend more time here.

Good luck on your journey to learning game development!


How does it cost money?

i was lacking, i pressed the wrong button and it costed money, but now i have a Pygame acc.

i was lacking, i pressed a membership button and it costed money, now i have a Python (or a PyGame)

Did you spend cycles on a boost, I don’t get it?