Make "Hidden Files" unable to show/change by students in the edu-plan

I’d like to have an option, that makes it impossible for students working with a project to show or modify files, hat are marked as hidden in .replit

I have some general code, that makes the student task work, and the students should only add to this code and not change the task. One example would be having some GUI Code for visualizing array operations, the students then should only be able to see and alter “their files” and not be bothered by all the code around it, which makes the problem look pretty.

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I’m pretty sure .replit effects only what is seen without code (the configure me dog)

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Restricting edu users would probably make debugging difficult if a student was having issues, and anyways, files can always be accessed via the shell.No, hiding the shell would not be a good idea, either.

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I think my request was no precise enough. I don’t think it is necessary to restrict the rights in the shell as I’m not worried about cheating. I just think it would be nice to have a standard Setting “Always hide hidden files for students” and a setting “Don’t show the “Show hidden files” button”.

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If the shell can be accessed, students can still edit files no matter what. Also, if you don’t let students see hidden files, you’re making it harder for them to learn on their own.

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It’s a cow, not a dog :cow:

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That’s not what they requested.

Currently, their students see all of the code behind the problem that’s not relevant, and they want to hide those files permanently in the file view. They aren’t worried about cheating, so the shell would still be accessible.

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