Javascript code

Does this code hav any wrong?

      a = location.replace("");
        //  todo:$("#todo").val()
          var usetime = - timeping;

Hi @louis. Thank you for your post.

In order for the community to suggest ideas to help you solve your code issue it would be useful to share a link to your Repl.

Any error messages that you see appear when you attempt to run your code would also be useful to share here.

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The first parameter of setInterval is a function, but you haven’t made a function. You also have a variable, a, which you don’t actually use.

Your code should look something like this:

setInterval(function() {
	// a isn't actually used here and so appears unnecessary
	a = location.replace("");
	// you could do
	// location.replace("").preventDefault();
		type: "POST",
		URL: "/",
		//data: {
		success: function() {
			// I'm assuming timeping is defined outside of this function, if not, this will produce an error
			alert(( - timeping) + "ms");
}, 1000);
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