It's not an error? For some reason it tells me the array is too small

Question:For some treason it tells me the aray is to small.
“Unhandled exception. System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Program.ceackforablock(Boolean[,] inputaray) in /home/runner/ticktactoe/main.cs:line 37
at Program.Main(String[] args) in /home/runner/ticktactoe/main.cs:line 9”

Repl link:

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
        bool[,] ticktactoebourd = {{true,true,false},{true,true,false},{true,true,false}};
    static public bool ceackforablock(bool[,] inputaray)
        bool[,] isblockedaray = { { false, false, false }, { false, false, false }, { false, false, false } };
        bool isbloked = false;
        int x = -1;
        int y =  0;
        int isthisthefirstone = 0;
        if (isthisthefirstone == 0)
            foreach (bool input in inputaray)
                bool isyesinputturn = false;
                if (x == 2)
                    x = -1;
                if (x > 3)
                if(y == 3){
                if (input)
                    isblockedaray[x, y] = true;
                    isyesinputturn = true;
                if (!(input) && (isyesinputturn = false))
                    isblockedaray[x, y] = false;
                    isyesinputturn = false;
                isyesinputturn = false;
      if (isthisthefirstone > 0)
            foreach (bool input2 in inputaray)
                if (x == 2)
                    x = -1;
                if (x > 3)
                if(y == 2){
              if (input2 == true && isblockedaray[x, y] == true)
                    return isbloked = true;

              if ((input2 == false && isblockedaray[x, y] == true) || (input2 == true && isblockedaray[x, y] == false))
                    return isbloked = false;
      return isbloked;

It is easier for us to help if you provide the actual error message.

there you go

You didn’t put anything useful in your post. Did it fail to paste?

They put it in the original post for some reason :person_shrugging:

I’m not sure (as I don’t use C#), but it seems like you are trying to read data outside of the array’s bounds. Why don’t you add this above if (input) so we can see what x and y are per-loop:


what do you mean by that???

What do you mean what do I mean?

i dont know what you said

Can you explain what part of what I said that you did not understand?

yo you what me to add a if statmaent to cheack how many things are in the virable?

I want you to add temporary WriteLine commands so we can see what the values of those variables are prior to the error.

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going to do that

it gives me -1 and 0

-1 is out of bounds for arrays, that could be your error.

ive done that

I saw, and I responded.

now it just giveing me 1 and 0 not 0 thorugh 2

What did you change? Is it still erroring?

It might be becuase of the set y and x to 0 thing.
it’s not:(